Pineapple and Popcorn go out to dinner. What would pineapple and popcorn eat for dinner? There's a rhetorical question for those reading to think abou

t? It's like contemplating the creation of the universe, maybe not that cosmic. Any who, after dinner they were going to watch a movie, but they decided there was nothing good to watch at the
theater. That's ironic really, nothing good to watch at the theater, what is this world coming to, an end? Oh dear, heaven help us all! What would popcorn and pineapple think is a good movie anyway? I don't think popcorn would want to watch a
corn kernal heat up and explode into what is now called popcorn. That might be a little much for popcorn, but then again he might enjoy some explosive action. That's beside the point really...
Instead of watching a movie, pineapple suggested they go look at birds around
Utah lake. While they were visiting the lake they decided to take a few pictures.
Pineapple is really knowledgeable about wildlife and popcorn just likes the beauty of the wildlife, so on their journey pineapple informed popcorn about the beauties of the birds surrounding the lake.
This first picture is the road around the lake, the second is a pair of two female black birds sitting on a barb-wire fence along the road by the lake. The third picture is a pair of cinnamon teal ducks swimming along the stream by the lake. Surrounding the lake a reed like plants, forgive my lack of knowledge (like I said popcorn was the one who liked to take pictures and did not know everything about the wildlife around the lake), and yellow headed blackbirds were perched on the branches. Swallows were diving in and out everywhere to catch dinner before they roosted for the night. Popcorn found another yellow headed blackbird perched on the fence and thought it would be a cool photo. The last picture is of a beaver dam surround the lake. Pineapple and popcorn like
beavers as long as the beavers don't eat them.